<<< ---- NURUL NADIAH BINTI ******* .! <3
stay jelebu...! i think soo.. form 4 next year..!
msty korang tnye2 psl knpe aq ckp (I HOPE SO) dlm title tu kan.?
hahahaaa... nak tau.? ke da tau.? hurmmm x yah la tauu bia la rhsia...
btw nice guitar kan.? haha... sweet je mukee..! hurm.. untong spe jdi bf dia..
kan2/? haha... awek aq la.! hahhaa just kidding.! hurm korang tau.?
SELERE dia BESAR ohhww.!!! MCD, KFC.! haha... tpi bdn mcm tu jee sekeping... hahahaaa.. joke.! k la... penat laa... byee..
LOVE U OKE.? <3 <3
Thursday, 29 December 2011
my last bestfriend i love.! i hope soo.!
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:26 0 comments
hahaaa kisah budak junior.!
Tdi kan...! aq pegi beli brang skolah with my family.! n then ad mamat bangla usha akk aq..! ahhaaa.....~~ hui2.~~~~ tipu jee.! btw.. korang da prepare ke.? hahaaa aq bru je nak beli..! ==''
hurm untong dpt jdi senior.! tpi nnty aq pown akn jdi.! lalaaa k la blaa..!
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:24 0 comments
Friday, 25 November 2011
tlong sngat.!
OKE first nabil nak kowang tlong sebar kan berite ni kat owang yg knl nabil.!
tu nabil yg clon... sooo klau ad apew2 dri acc tu tlis kat kowang kowang jgn layan,,,
coz tu fake.!!! nabil da try hack blik.. tpi x boley coz dia da ketat kan security hack,.,,
nabil nak kowang tlong sngat2 nabil.. coz nabil x nak maruah nabil jtoh psl stu acc fb.,,,
oke apew2 hal kowang boley contanc nabil kat 0136013191 < real 6ber jgn takot..
oke.? oke la tu jew... tpi nabil nak kowang tlong oke.?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 14:44 0 comments
Thursday, 10 November 2011
owh SHIT .!!
Owh shit shit shit.! bodo nye nabil.! kaw da coll dia... kaw tnye la.. buat apew.?
sehad.? mrh aq lgi kew.? adoii npew kaw x tnyew.? bodoh la.!
xde budak nak angkat fon kaw.! pagi2 butew tu.! dia jew.! (tpi ad la sorang)
apew la nabill.... tu pown nak aja..... hurm tpi dia bkn knl aq pown kan.?
yela spew la aq.! hahaha...
eh msty kaw ingat aq gilew kan.? ckp sowang2...
hahaha xde la.. mlm td aq buat super saver... so aq coll la sowang budak ni...
dia angkat... tpi dia x kanl aq spew... coz dia xde 6ber 012 aq....
tpi aq knl la.... hurm... rindu dia..... that why la aq coll dia...
tpi aq bodoh sngat.... xtnye dia apew buat kew.... sehad kew... apew kew...
aq tutup troz. hahaha.... bodh x.?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 06:23 0 comments
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Haunted places in malaysia
- Georgetown, Penang – A T-junction better known as The Deadly Junction is located beside the Union High School. It is said that if you ever drive through this lonely road late at night, your care will go out of control and crash due to the too many accidents that happened there. It is also said that there is a tiny unknown tree beside the road which looks like a lady carrying a child. The story was known by some old folks saying that this lady was once a bomoh (witch doctor) who kidnapped her sister’s son. Somehow, they never again appeared anywhere except other than being seen beside this road
- St Michael’s Institution, Ipoh – A group of Catholics missionaries arrived here in 1912 and began building a school next to the famous Kinta River. It did not take long for the missionary brothers who ran the school to have enough funds to erect a huge school building with unique French structural design. When the WW2 broke out, the school was used bu Japanese secret police as their headquarters. Needless to say, there were lots of torturing carried out. The buidling itself had many tunnels which had been sealed off and the tunnels were said to be used by the Japanese to torture prisoners and to store food. Most of the sightings occurs in the Chapel on the fourth floor of the bluiding where a Brother was seen dressed in a black robe holding praying beands in a sitting position facing towards the door (which leads to the brothers quarters) in the very early morning without a head. Those who had witnessed it were asked to keep it a secret
- Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Kuala Kangsar, Perak – This school is said to be a former site of Japanese occupation camp during WW2. Students would sometimes be awakened by something that stares down directly at them. A marching platoon can be heard in the field and sounds of dragging chains can be heard through the campus corridors. A tree on the campus, which is located right beside a lampost where the light shines down on it, reflects a shadow of a man hanging from the tree! A few other old colonial admin buildings that were used by the Japanese during the Occupation in the 1940s where executions are taken place are buildings like Victoria Institution and Bukit Bintang Girls School
- MARA Junior Science College, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor – A white flying apparition can be seen in various parts of the building
- Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur – A boys school was tured into a Japanese base during the Occupation. Many British soldiers and locals were brutally tortured to death in the basement and some older buildings on the campus. It is said that not only are apparitions common in the day as well as in the night, there had also been many cases of spirits possessing students. The possessed boys would behave strangely and even violently harming other students and teachers, forcing the stronger teachers and students to restrain him. The possesed boy would only snap out of it a few hours later and remembering nothing
- Tambun, Ipoh, Perak – Singtings of an old lady on the roadside while driving
- Tambun Inn, Ipoh, Perak – Lights were reported to turn on and off by itself and sounds of whispering could be heard where no one was around
- Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur – A spooky place to be even when it is actually one of the most elite residential areas in Kuala Lumpur. This place with its many big and tall trees and very winding roads, has an eerie feeling about it even at broad daylight. It is said that a few years ago two youth embarked on a high speed motorcycle chase around the curvy roads of the area. One of the youth crashed at a dark stretch of the road, which is actually a very sharp corner. There have been claims about sightings of a young man riding a motorcycle at high speed, who mysteriously vanished in the dark
- Poliklinik Cheras, Kuala Lumpur – Used to be a government hospital but it is being abandoned with no reason. There were rumors that say there are still some dead patients that loiters around the area
- Genting Highlands Resort, Pahang – A famous hill top resort and casino, many people incurred gambling debts and committed suicide there. Some visitors leaving the hotel lobby reported seeing a man in red jump from the rooftop, just to disappear before he hits the ground. Certain rooms are not available for rent no matter how full the hotel was. Those who have seen the inside reported that it was filled with old Chinese ghost wards. They would subsequently fall sick for days afterwards
- Highland Towers, Kuala Lumpur – A tragic event where one of the 3 blocks of apartment at this place fell apart due to landslide and heavy downpour prior to that fateful day. Since then, the Highland Towers have become famous for claims of being a very haunted place. Voices of the dead can be heard at night and ghostly figures are said to have appeared at the scene. There are also a story about a taxi driver who picked up a woman passenger at the middle of the night and being asked to drop her at the place.She left a bag and the poor taxi driver found it to be full of blood!
- Police Station in Tras, Pahang – During the 1950’s, a police corporal and his wife were found in a state of shock and terror after opening their door to an unknown figure. Many police personnel were terrorized by this entity that other policemen would rather resign than being transferred to this remote station
- Kellies Castle, Perak -Sometimes door are opened themselves and lots of scary screaming voices can be heard.
- Puchong House, Kuala Lumpur – Evil drawings on the walls. Some say the ghost of a woman who used to stay there haunts the place. Other than that, just stepping into the house is enough to keep you awake for months.
- S.K (1) Kuala Ampang, Selangor – Could hear taps in the toilet running by itself and sightings of a lady in white walking behind the school compound.
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 22:19 0 comments
Ten Most Haunted Place in Malaysia
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 21:53 0 comments
top 10 haunted place.!
1. Borley Rectory, Essex, England
2. The Whaley House, California
3. Raynham Hall, Norfolk, England
4. The Myrtles Plantation, Louisiana
5. Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia
8. The Queen Mary, California
9. The White House, Washington DC
10. Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 00:02 0 comments
Saturday, 5 November 2011
most HAUNTED places .!
Haunted Places in Malaysia
Ever been to anywhere in Malaysia and experienced paranormal hauntings? Curious to know where are the places that you can visit to experience one yourself? The below are lists of Malaysia’s top haunted places that you can, may or even experience ghosts. Caution: This post is not for those with weak heart or you will die of SHOCKED! AND PLEASE CONSULT YOUR MEDICAL OFFICER BEFORE PROCEEDING.
Georgetown, Penang – A T-junction better known as The Deadly Junction is located beside the Union High School. It is said that if you ever drive through this lonely road late at night, your care will go out of control and crash due to the too many accidents that happened there. It is also said that there is a tiny unknown tree beside the road which looks like a lady carrying a child. The story was known by some old folks saying that this lady was once a bomoh (witch doctor) who kidnapped her sister’s son. Somehow, they never again appeared anywhere except other than being seen beside this road
St Michael’s Institution, Ipoh – A group of Catholics missionaries arrived here in 1912 and began building a school next to the famous Kinta River. It did not take long for the missionary brothers who ran the school to have enough funds to erect a huge school building with unique French structural design. When the WW2 broke out, the school was used bu Japanese secret police as their headquarters. Needless to say, there were lots of torturing carried out. The buidling itself had many tunnels which had been sealed off and the tunnels were said to be used by the Japanese to torture prisoners and to store food. Most of the sightings occurs in the Chapel on the fourth floor of the bluiding where a Brother was seen dressed in a black robe holding praying beands in a sitting position facing towards the door (which leads to the brothers quarters) in the very early morning without a head. Those who had witnessed it were asked to keep it a secret
Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Kuala Kangsar, Perak – This school is said to be a former site of Japanese occupation camp during WW2. Students would sometimes be awakened by something that stares down directly at them. A marching platoon can be heard in the field and sounds of dragging chains can be heard through the campus corridors. A tree on the campus, which is located right beside a lampost where the light shines down on it, reflects a shadow of a man hanging from the tree! A few other old colonial admin buildings that were used by the Japanese during the Occupation in the 1940s where executions are taken place are buildings like Victoria Institution and Bukit Bintang Girls School
MARA Junior Science College, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor – A white flying apparition can be seen in various parts of the building
Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur – A boys school was tured into a Japanese base during the Occupation. Many British soldiers and locals were brutally tortured to death in the basement and some older buildings on the campus. It is said that not only are apparitions common in the day as well as in the night, there had also been many cases of spirits possessing students. The possessed boys would behave strangely and even violently harming other students and teachers, forcing the stronger teachers and students to restrain him. The possesed boy would only snap out of it a few hours later and remembering nothing
Tambun, Ipoh, Perak – Singtings of an old lady on the roadside while driving
Tambun Inn, Ipoh, Perak – Lights were reported to turn on and off by itself and sounds of whispering could be heard where no one was around
Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur – A spooky place to be even when it is actually one of the most elite residential areas in Kuala Lumpur. This place with its many big and tall trees and very winding roads, has an eerie feeling about it even at broad daylight. It is said that a few years ago two youth embarked on a high speed motorcycle chase around the curvy roads of the area. One of the youth crashed at a dark stretch of the road, which is actually a very sharp corner. There have been claims about sightings of a young man riding a motorcycle at high speed, who mysteriously vanished in the dark
Poliklinik Cheras, Kuala Lumpur – Used to be a government hospital but it is being abandoned with no reason. There were rumors that say there are still some dead patients that loiters around the area
Genting Highlands Resort, Pahang – A famous hill top resort and casino, many people incurred gambling debts and committed suicide there. Some visitors leaving the hotel lobby reported seeing a man in red jump from the rooftop, just to disappear before he hits the ground. Certain rooms are not available for rent no matter how full the hotel was. Those who have seen the inside reported that it was filled with old Chinese ghost wards. They would subsequently fall sick for days afterwards
Highland Towers, Kuala Lumpur – A tragic event where one of the 3 blocks of apartment at this place fell apart due to landslide and heavy downpour prior to that fateful day. Since then, the Highland Towers have become famous for claims of being a very haunted place. Voices of the dead can be heard at night and ghostly figures are said to have appeared at the scene. There are also a story about a taxi driver who picked up a woman passenger at the middle of the night and being asked to drop her at the place.She left a bag and the poor taxi driver found it to be full of blood!
Police Station in Tras, Pahang – During the 1950’s, a police corporal and his wife were found in a state of shock and terror after opening their door to an unknown figure. Many police personnel were terrorized by this entity that other policemen would rather resign than being transferred to this remote station
Kellies Castle, Perak -Sometimes door are opened themselves and lots of scary screaming voices can be heard.
Puchong House, Kuala Lumpur – Evil drawings on the walls. Some say the ghost of a woman who used to stay there haunts the place. Other than that, just stepping into the house is enough to keep you awake for months.
S.K (1) Kuala Ampang, Selangor – Could hear taps in the toilet running by itself and sightings of a lady in white walking behind the school compound.
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 23:51 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
WhY NoT.?
lau pmpuan ley sedih why not laky kan.?
laky nagis x jentel la..!
ahaha.... tu kate owang... kate aq...
so what.? ........... aq nagis ad sebb...
oke cite lain. klau kaw syg owang tuu.....
n then dia tibe2 ckp....
Dia : weyh aq nak mati..
kaw owang ckp apew.?
aku : oke...
knpew aq ckp cam tu.?
coz aq syg kaw la.!
aq x nak ka maty.!
kaw da unfriend aq......
x pew la... x kesah...............
k... sure aq x dpt tidor......
sbb... aq syg kaw.!
k caw...
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:29 0 comments
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
cinte budax2..
cinte budax2.. haha nice tajok tu kan.?
n nice story yg aq nak mory kat kowang jugak...haha.
oke first kowang buat apew bile da coup.?
hurm aq rse mybe kowang akn mnjew2 kan2.?
hurm kowang akn coup bpew lame.?
2 minggu.? dua bulan.? dua taon.?
aq..... 2 ari jew... hahaa.. tpi x pew la..
name pown cinte budax2..
hurm aq coup x pnah yg serious..
aq serious dia owang >GEDIX<hurmm..!..
bnyak cinte yg happy ending..
ad yg x.. ad yg maty sme2..
tpi aq .? smua ad.. gile2..
k la..
puas aq ceramah..
pnat la..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 09:10 0 comments
Monday, 19 September 2011
cbe ckp.. !!!!!!!!
haha canon dgn nicon mne best.?
hahah opcoz la nicon.. kkk.
aq bkn nak citew psl tu..
aq nak tau npew awex aq buang relantionship...
err nak clash ckp la...
Aq rse aq da singlew laaa...
hahahaaahaaa so.? kaw nak tekel aq.?
owwwww sory la deww..... tpi klau aq da jamin 100% aq singlew bru boley k.?
hahaha gedix.!
bTw name blog aq .?
apa mcm best.?
Qix_housE spousE
best.? k ah caww... bosan ah.!
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 01:09 0 comments
Saturday, 17 September 2011
eh sial la puihhhhhh.!!!!!!
boring doh dok umah.......
cam apew kaw tau.?
cam gampang.! da la tergigit cili babi tdi .!
k ah byew.. haha
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:09 0 comments
Monday, 12 September 2011
sya ad bby la.~~` haha tpu2 je..
x nmpak sngat la.~~ pic dia.`~
kan2.? haha/.. ni la bby sye...
namew dia ema. huhuhu..
syg dia la.~~~ muahhhh.......
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:53 0 comments
Thursday, 25 August 2011
fAcEbOoK !
aQ ad 3 account.! hahaha tpi stu jew aq tau dia punye password.!
yg lain.? aq lpew la.`~~~~~ hahahahaha.... rmai la aq rse da add.~~
tpi kowang ley tngok jela coz aq lpew password nyew.!
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 06:33 0 comments
cuci ini blog.!
hahaha askom.~~ n slamat sjahtera.~~~!!!!
k sumpah aq mizz gilew babo ini blog.!
tanx kat sowang budax ni coz ingat kan aq blik psl ini blog.!
koowang tau.? msty la kowang x tau.! ghahhah..
berabok siak blog aq.!!! xde spew nak bkk usha2 blog ni...
hurm.~~~ aq x tau nak ckp apew.~~
so k ah byew.~!!!
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 06:29 0 comments
Labels: adess ==''
Thursday, 21 July 2011
caye ke?
boley caye ke aq kne tipu dngan awex aq?
ad owang ckp aq kne game ko owang caye ke?
omg.!! aq x cye lnsung wei...
lau aq nak cye.. aq kne ad bkti oke?
sory ah derrr nak sroh aq caye...
x dpt deh jepp.
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:21 0 comments
Saturday, 16 July 2011
syg mam ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
haha mama aq la pndai..
haha aq syg dia sngat2..
smpah.. bkan sampah. tpi sumpah..
hurm untong la spe dpt dia an?
haha spe lgi?
aq la hahahahahaha...
kte owang coup ble>?
k ah x tau nak cte pe
tpy dia cute an?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 09:25 0 comments
Monday, 11 July 2011
hurm aq da lme x cuci blog ni..
hurm aq nak ask prlu ke kite rahsia an somethng yg pnting?
mcm kalu kite ad sakit..
prlu ke kite rahsia an?
kalu syg se orang tu msty kne rhsia kan ke smua tu?
aq pelik la.. pelik.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:55 0 comments
Sunday, 26 June 2011
boley ke?
boley x aq maty?
aq pegi mcm mne ad owang pegi tngal kan aq?
aq x nak nagiz mcm mne aq nagiz mcm mne aq nagiz mse
kali terakhir aq pegang tangan ex aq...
aq xpnah nagiz mcm owang gile tpy..
ad owang da buat aq nagiz mcm owang hilang ank...
aq nagiz mse kaly terakhir aq pegang hand dia...
mse tu semua owang slh kan aq..
aq xtau apew slh aq. mse tu..
aq dngar kete dia xcdent...
n mse tu la aq kne tuduh bnuh dia..
ko xtau spe ek?
ok la name dia.. syazwini.... aq syg gile at dia..
kete dia ilang kwalan coz ad owang ptong break kete dia...
n aq kene tuduh..
tpi aq sba coz sblom arwah pegi..
dia pnah ckp ajal maut jodoh prtemuan dia tngan tuhan..
n dia pnah ckp kalo sye lpe kan awk.. x brerti sye bnci awk..
tula kali akhir aq dngar dia ckp....
and dia da pegi US.... coz study at sne..
tpy mse tu dia da bnci aq...
coz aq da buat abg dia malu..
coz aq klah kan abg dia dlm competition bboy...
aq xtau ponw ape slah aq..
tpi xpe la...
n da setaon kot.. xsilpa aq la..
dia blik mlaysia..
aq eppy coz dia blik malaysia..
aq nak sngat jmpe dia...
tpi tu semua just dream bdx tadika..
coz dia dtang malysia..
just nak battle nan aq..
n nak buat aq malu..
tpi ..................
tpi dia klah....
aq xbnge lngsung....
tpi mse dia nak pegi KLIA dia ...
xcident.. aq sediy sngat...
dia kene tnam at malaysia..
aq dtnag umah dia.... n abg dia alang aq...
tpi aq brkeraz nak jmpe arwah..
n tibe2 mak dia bgi aq surat.. dlm surat tu ad tuliz...
then bwu aq pham dia wat cam tu coz abg dia pkse..........
n aq terima arwah pegi...
then dri stu aq tnam dlm life aq...
aq akn cri owang cam dia...
aq xtau nak cri at mne.. n aq akn troz cri.........
k la tu je k?
n ni semua btol2..
not maen2..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 09:17 4 comments
Labels: serioz aq tuliz ni..
cite kami..
aq ad sowang bdx yg aq knl dlu...
n dia yg bnyak aja aq jdi bboy yg x mengningi diri..
aq syg bdx ni smpai pnah satu ari aq sngop bunuh dri..
tpi tu semua da jdi laen coz dia da xde...
tpi aq ad sowang lagi bdk yg wat aq lpe bdx tu..
tpi dia xpnah syg aq mcm aq syg dia..
aq xkesah coz aq tau aq x ad lngsong dlm life dia..
TPU la aq nak dia kmbali dlm life aq..
aq mang nak dia kmbali dlm life aq mcm dlu..
aq mngarp dia accept aq ,..
tpi tu semua just dream bdx tadika..
coz tdi aq ask dia..
pnah ke ko syg aq?
pnah ke ko caring aq?
ko misz x kalo aq x coll ko sehari?
then dia jwb dngan aty yg ikhlaz..
x kot..
sory bhai..
just tu je..
tpi xpe la aq xpnah pkse owang..
aq tau dia ad life sndiri n aq ad life sndiri..
tpi klau ko boley trima aq lgi...
aq sngop buat ape je ntux ko..
ok la cmpai sni je aq nak ckp...
ok askom bye..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:48 0 comments
adx pling gile.!!

jgn slh sngke kang aq lepuk muke ko..
haha name dia ape? name dia..
EOUFI HYANA dia xmngaku dia cute.. n cntix haha
ape pun xboley la.. haha aq bwu knl dia..
tpy dia msre gle nan aq..
aq pown da syg dia mcm adx aq btol2..
haha aq xley lpe mse dia ckp aq encem..
hha aq mne ad encem ..
btw ko owang jgn kaco dia coz dia da ad bf la..
haha k ah aq nak bla dlu..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:33 0 comments
Friday, 24 June 2011
cite kami.!!! lgi skali..
haha ok name dia winifred ngiara OK umo dia 13 taon...
dia adk aq yg plng aq rse nak hug dia.. tpy dia dok jaoh .. dia dok qatar do..........
haha aq rse brtuah ad adk cam dia.. coz dia sakai n baik haha..
k ah byeiooooooooo
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:45 0 comments
cite kami.!!!
hey >. nak dngar cite kami? kami ad friend.. name dia an... name dia an.. name dia an,..
name dia WHY SO SERIOUS>......... haha XLA name dia WINI xslap aq la..
haha ape? nak tngok pic dia?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:29 0 comments
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
da bajet lahir kat jepown.. Aq slalu kuar negare xkesah pown nak heboh...
mne ad aq post kat bby aq dia ad .... aQ TAU LA UMO KO BWU DRJAH ENAM xyah la heboh nak jdi adk angkat aq sial.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AQ X BATAK NAK AD ADK ANGKAT PHM?
pgil ADIK la ape la.. please la cial.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ko sedar la dri siket nak tekel aq pown tngo la mke..
<------------------ ni bdk elok mmpoz.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:03 0 comments
Labels: sial
marry u.!!
da pnah cite psl dia? bia la aq xmuak kot cite psl syg sye ni.!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha dia xmau aq jdi PLAYBOY>.. biy pown xmau bby jdi PLAYGIRL kot.!!!!!!!!!!!!
WEi kowang dia cute an?
haha that y la aq syg glew babi at dia.
k ah cmpai sni je cramah aq.. tatatata.. dadadada... wawawawa....
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:04 0 comments
Monday, 20 June 2011
sayang kamo sowang jela.!!!!!!!!!
tngok kan dan pnjang da.. haha lalala name dia ape? name dia shafinaz anuar la..
haha bby aq kot. =P..
k ah chaw...
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 20:12 0 comments
Labels: haha
windu atox.!!
askom.. ary ni aq nak cite psl atox ksygan aq.. aq gle windu la tat atox aq..
|hurm tpi dia da tde.. aq gi kubor dia tdi.. tah cam mne aq trase nak gi kubor dia.. aq pown xtau..
hurm mse aq pgi tu air mate aq x hen ty2 cry.. aq syg glew at dia...!!!!!!!!!!!!
hurm dlm mse tu gak aq ingat at wini.. or shazwini.. spe dia?
dia arwah ex gf aq.. dia pown da pgi tngal aq alone at sni.. tpy xpe la coz ad owang da wat aq lpe at dia siket..
but any way aq syg bby aq sowang je n adk angkat aq..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 20:04 0 comments
Friday, 17 June 2011
knpe la.!!!
knpe aq slalu kne tpu?
ape slh aq? lebiy baik aq maty an?
bwu semua owang ske?
coz spe je aq an?
aq tau aq x baik aq x encem.. so klau ko mang nak aq maty boley je wei..
aq coup nan ko ikhlaz.. aq syg ko..
tpi cam ni ko wat aq an?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 00:16 0 comments
Monday, 13 June 2011
knpe wei?
askom ... kiah npe ko tpu aq?
aq xtau npe ko tpu aq/.. ko ckp ko singel tpy aq ask wanei dia ckp ko da ad yg punye..
aq cye at ko slme ni tpy cam ni ko wat at aq an? dayah pown sme ckp cam tu..
tpi xpe la kte an just friend.. HUrm akk aq ckp mke ko sme cam ieka..
tol ke? haha klau btol aq ske dow.. haha..
hurm tpi stu je aq nak ask btol or x?
plese ckp k?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 22:46 0 comments
Saturday, 11 June 2011
ko owang nak tau?
haha cam ni ah.... haha cian aq an>?
haha n pdn mke aq... huhuhu...
da bwuk da an?
haha tula laen kli dngar ckp ayh n mak...
tau x?
ish ko owang ni.. haha
wei pic tu lebiy kuwang tau?
bkn sme ad phm?
hurm k ah byeoooooooooooooo
n ingat bwk plahn..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:02 0 comments
nak tau?
haha name dia farah nadia pngil dia nadia je.
haha ape? dia awek aq ke?
haha xla dlu je.. skrang da x....
hurmmmmmmmm but aq syg dia lgi as friend je..
aq slalu col dia klau aq bowing...
haha col cam tu je.. xlebih pown tau x?
ko ckp ape? dia cute? haha mang la xtau ke?
ape singel? xla.. dia da ad amirul syaufiq..
haha ko kaco dia ko siap aq lepok ko...
haha k ah.. smpai sni je k?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 06:50 0 comments
Friday, 10 June 2011
cute .!!!!`````~~~~~~~~~
haha ape yg cute nye?
haha ad la.. hurm k ah aq bgi tau nnty nagiz lak..
tpy jgn heboh lak k?
hurm ad la sowng bdk ni... dia pmpuan la... ish jgn tnye spe dngar je. aq g kln2 at JJ paz tu dia owang dok snyum je nan aq.. so aq blz la snyum dia.. jap biar aq nnyi jap............. SNYUM X PRLU KATE APE2...... haha pling aq xely bla dok dlm MBO nan aq dok sblah2 lak tu.... adoi.......... mcm2 la an dia owang ask... aq ckp je la.. tpy xyah la aq nak ckp an? huhu mlz la nak ckp.. k ah... byeooooooooooooooo...........
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:53 0 comments
Tdi sptut nye.. aq spatut nye gi camping nan family.. tpi yela an aq bwu lpaz acident..
so aq gi tngok movie je la... hurm best la gak. ape?
tngok cite ape? KUNG FU PANDA 2..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best la jgk.. haha aq nak tngok KL GANGSTE>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hurm bowing la. ko owang tau x?
mang la kowang xtau aq xcite ag.. haha tdi ad owang dok usha aq...
hha gle do pmpuan tu.. tpy cute la gak...
haha tpy SHERA lgi cute do.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hurm k ah... haha dngar dkt shera nnty mrh plak dia..
huhu bye........
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:04 0 comments
sYg Ko OwAnG.!!!!!!!
<_-_-_-....... ni adk aq..adk angkat..
haha aq syg do.. dia..
hurm tpy... syg as adk je la.
haha nak cite psl dia?
wo bnyak la..
hurm first dia baik.. caring..
n baik la haha..
hurm ape?
name dia? hurm name dia aira..nme btol?
ntah la. huhu jgn kaco dia... dia ad bf..

name dia fartyn..
haha dlm fb jela... hurm..
dia pown adk aq.. aq pngil dia sis..
haha ni pic dia?
xla.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha aq xleyh nak ambik pic dia..
haha tpy ni la DP dia.. haha..
name dia? btol2? aq pown xtau... huhu k ah..
<-_-_-_-.......... ni lgi sowang......... haha ni pown adk angkat aq...
nme dia? nak tau gak?
atoi...... name dia... nur rehan... hurm ape pndng2 lme2?
sepak kang... haha aq dia gorm bpe?
ow.. semua adk angkat aq yg dri atz hnge la kat bwh ni hah form 1
hurm tpy dia ad bf... haha ko kaco dia aq lepok ko...
K AH DA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 06:43 4 comments
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Datin kiah.. or nur kiah..
ko owang nak tau spe?
spe la bff aq la...
aq nan dia slalu kongsi pengalmn,,,
penglmn cam ne>?
ko patut tau?
xyah kot..... hurm aq nan dia da mcm adk bradik da,......
haha aq ske chat nan datin tu........
hurm tpy aq pling nak mcm nak mang nak kalo boley nak la an?
aq nak je lepok dia,........ npe?
coz dia late replay aq punye mecet.........
haha tpy aq saba...
coz mak aq ckp saba sparoh dary iman..............
haha k ah... smpai situ je..
aq nak kalo boley aq nak mang nak la n kalop kowang boley bagi aq nak n nak sngat ko owang pgi la tdo..|
haha k ah bye............ camat mlm......
arios amigoz.......
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 09:10 0 comments
haha actualy aq mlz nak update blog aq yg cntix ni haha cntix kew?
msty la haha... npe jelouz?
haha tumbok kang nak? haha spe suwoh update?
haha manusia la.. spe prlu ke tau?
haha okokok aq bgi tau spe...
Datin nur kiah la.
haha eh jgn mrh ha.............
haha k aq nak cite pe?
HUrm cite psl cam ne aq acident?
ok aq story at ko owang...
hurm aq sterz coz shera x answer fon aq so aq kuar ah tgah mlm kol 2.oo
xsilap aq la.|
hurm n mak aq xkasi..
so aq kuar jela..coz bowing an?
klau ko bowing x?
msty la an? coz bowing gle batak..
ok balik kat cite tdi..
aq kuar je.. la... n xsmpai bpe minute ad kete x slap aq kete waja..
n truz lngar aq hurm cian an?
haha pdn muke aq spe suwoh xmau dngar ckp mak aq?
hurm ape gelax2?
lesing kang..
hurm nasib baik aq lucky uncle tu bwk slow..
klau x M.A.T.Y da aq..
hurm n tok semua ownag tu ad la stu pngajrn buat aq..
n tok kowang skli..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:35 0 comments
haha cntix x blog aq?
haha spe buat? ko owang rse?
ha.>? babak aq buat ngek ko.
haha awek aq la shera syg...!!!!!!!!!
haha tanx .!!!!!!!!!
n npe aq eppy lgi? coz shera da answer fon aq..
haha that why la aq eppy.
haha ok la bye..~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:03 0 comments
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
huhhhhhh....... ~~~~~~~~
hey smlm aq acident... sumpah lgi skit nak maty...
tpy nsib baik uncle tu lngar aq sikit..
mcm mne aq acident?
hur mlm tu aq kol bdk tu spe lgi shera la..
tpi dia xangkat.. da lme da dia x angkat fon aq..
aq pelik la.. dngan dia.. tpi xpe la may be dia sebok an?
hurm mse tu aq steres sngat..
so aq kuar ah naik fixie aq.. ko tau pukol bpe>?
2.00 pgi aq kuar.. haha padan muke aq an?
aq ingat aq da maty.. bwu puaz semua owang kan>?
ni pown aq kat hospital ni....... haha ad plak wifi kat sini..
haha tpi aq mmang nak tau npe dia jdi mcm ni...
hurm spe2 boley bgi tau aq npe dia jdi cam tu?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 20:44 0 comments
ape slh aq kat dia?
smpai dia xangkat fon aq?
shera nape awk wat sye cam ni?
busy sngat ke awk? sye rse srbeslh tau x?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 08:05 0 comments
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Da la mlm tdi aq bowing..
aq col awek aq xnak angkat... hurmm...
aq xley tdo ow.. mcm owang glew aq.....
paz tu aq col ex aq.. fon off plak...
ish....... semua owang xnak angkat fon..
aq col hospital bahagia pown angkat fon aq..
hahaha... tpi mlm tdi mang best la.. coz aq first time jdi owang glew..
ahahahahaaha klakar ke?
npe gelak?
pok kang hahaha.. tpu..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 23:12 2 comments
mcm bodo la.. aq bnci betol kne kejot pagi bute...
hurm nasib baik ayh aq kejot.. klau owang laen.. da kne maki hamun da..
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 23:09 0 comments
Labels: blablbla
windu la.!!!!!!!!!
atoi.. aq nak col dia.. but.. mcm xde mood la..
coz takot dia kat flinght lgi.. haha betol x aq eje?>flinght?
haha kesah plak aq..
huhu.. mlm ni nak coll dia la.
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:53 2 comments
Labels: windu.
kesah aq nan dia..
aq knl dia cam ne? aq knal dia cam ne ek?
ntah la.. haha.. aq skew la knl; nan dia.
aq ad mslh dia pown ad mslh..
haha msalh2..
haha aq
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:48 0 comments
best la.
haha mlm tdi aq col dia..
>shera< best do..
ayh aq mrh? kesah plak aq?
haha aq takot la jugak.
aq pling best mse dia cite dia kne than poliz..
bhahaha kla ka dow.............
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:45 0 comments
haha first time kot.!!!!!!!!!
haha ni first time aq wat >blog<
haha aq mcm bngang je an?
Posted by CeriteBudakMuncitt at 07:29 0 comments
Labels: blablabla